Ordinary women dress and undress..
But we, conscious women, who know that every woman is a gift to the world, wrap and unwrap ourselves.
There is a special way of doing this, meanwhile keeping our individuality.
This art is not necessarily for the enjoyment of someone else, even with much merit, who may eventually be watching the performance. It is an art of personal empowerment, enjoyment and pleasure.
You deserve to spend this time with yourself and to live this experience.
Those who have participated in the workshop “Choosing and Living with the Partner” already have tools to discern when someone deserves to see you magically unwrap yourself and dress up again.
What to bring:
1 – Legging or sports shorts (or something similar).
2 – Top or T-shirt, preferably tight around the body, but it can be anything you feel comfortable wearing.
3 – High Heels.
4 – Sensual lingerie – panties and bra (or whatever you have, even if it’s not sensual ;-).
Detail to observe: Panties tied on the side (they may be bikini panties) to make better use of what you will learn.
5 – Long gloves (if you have them).
6 – One-legged garter (if you have any).
There will be no nudity whatsoever.